Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Do you Ski?

I don't!

Not that I wouldn't love to, not that I could have learnt as a youngster growing up in Toronto. My parents were immigrants and taking me let's say to Blue Mountain to take in a sport they have no understanding for seemed foreign to them.

During one small high school excursion that was offered at my high school was a day skiing in Blue Mountain. It was breath taking, awe inspiring and so fantastic. In elementary school skiing was not a extra event in the physical education curriculum. Why would it be the only ski slope is hours away.... or is it?

I had never heard of the Toronto ski slopes until they were in need of money... ski slopes in Toronto seems so not possible. How can you be born and raised in a city, attend public school and never heard of a city run slope? Well today with a long list of items that city hall passed, they passed to save the ski slopes. While many may not see the positive in a ski slope that doesn't get any activity... maybe it's because a great part of the citizens of this city didn't know such a hill existed for it's use.
I am not opposed to this vote I am for it, but my plan when getting into city hall would be to make sure this hill gets some attention, media attention, school board attention... anything to bring it's patrons up. Because such a beautiful and wonderful healthy activity should be available and known to all citizens.

Have you ever heard about this ski slope? Would you go?


  1. Hi Angie! Nope, I don't recall ever knowing about these ski hills. But now I know they exist, and one of great things about them is that they're accessible by TTC! If I still lived in Toronto or if I move back, I would take my family there for sure!

  2. I skied when I was younger and got to ski at Earl Bales park when I was in public school. It is a small (not breath taking) single hill that should not be ignored for those that can't afford to drive out of Toronto for ski experience and should be more utilized by the school system just for the sheer opportunity to say, yes I went skiing and it may encourage some to go on to bigger and better resorts in our province.
